Wayfinder Ltd take part in Fleetwood Half Marathon

Wayfinder Ltd nominated two employees to take part in the Fleetwood half marathon in August 2015 to raise money for The Christie, one of Europe’s leading cancer centres. The half marathon, which equates to 21km took place along the coast in Fleetwood, North Lancashire.

Chris and Rob committed to 10 weeks of intense training to prepare themselves for the task. Training every other day to ensure the run would not only be possible, but done a competitive time. They aimed to achieve a time of 1 hour and 45 minutes, a time attained in the Melbourne Half Marathon by Rob a couple of years earlier.

The lads raised just under £500 for the charity in 6 weeks. Getting donations both online and offline in order to reach their target. With all the money raised going to help cancer patients in the UK.

When race day came it was a surprisingly hot summer’s day, which meant the conditions were tougher than anticipated. With temperatures pushing up to 28 degrees, heat and dehydration certainly played a role in the race. However, it was Chris who took the initiative, breaking ahead half way through the race. Chris unfazed by the heat, managed to run comfortably, just hitting the target in time. Whilst Rob missed his target time by just a few minutes.

However, a great day was had by all. And more importantly money was raised for a fantastic cause. Wayfinder Ltd will continue to support The Christie as our charity of choice. Wayfinder Ltd were happy to take part in Fleetwood Half Marathon and hope to take part in a similar event next year. Managing Director Mike Slater said, ‘Here at Wayfinder Ltd , we like to support our local charities, half marathons like these give staff a chance to take part in a challenging event and raise money for a great cause.

Half Marathon