University Wayfinding

Across all given large university environments, university wayfinding is an essential part of strategy.

When tackling the issues of a university campus it is important to appreciate the size and therefore the huge scale of people navigating across a range of environments on a day to day basis. This continued movement of people is also encouraged for large colleges, where the continued movement of people is encouraged, and as a result efficiencies are prioritised.

A key component of university wayfinding is not only creating a good first impression for perspective students, but maintaining a consistent user experience. This is appreciated by current students and staff. It is implementing such a strategy that has been shown to maximise productivity, therefore creating a more focused academic environment.

Benefits of Our Wayfinding Process

  • Improved efficiencies especially in the movement of people
  • Massive cost savings due to reductions in lost time
  • Reduction of missed appointments because of clearer wayfinding
  • Management documentation for continuing benefits
  • Improved communication due to a better understanding of wayfinding
  • Positive visitor feedback due to a smoother experience
  • Reduced signage and therefore reduced costs
  • Reduced need for further signage keeping costs down going forward
  • Improves Brand and Image due to better consistency
  • Project Implementation and therefore peace of mind

Related Projects

In addition to the projects showcased here, Wayfinder have delivered wayfinding projects to lots of other clients in this sector. Here are just a selection of them:

  • University of Aberdeen
  • University of Manchester
  • University of Sheffield
  • University of Bradford
  • CAST Technium, University Bangor
  • Arts University College Bournemouth
  • Southport College
  • Stephenson College, Leicester
  • Herriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
  • Bedford High School
  • Catmose Campus
  • Rotunda Community College
  • St Joseph’s High School, Wrexham
  • Philip High School
  • Brampton Academy
  • Seevic College
  • Tottington High School

We understand the in-built cognitive mechanisms used by human beings and therefore understand how they navigate. As a result it is this understanding that allows us to harness them correctly to deliver effective university wayfinding.

University Wayfinding
Our knowledge of University Wayfinding, and most of all where and when to position information is key. We understand the cognitive processes and therefore the workings within our subconscious. Hence we can identify how these processes might render easily visible signs useless. In creating a solution, our consultative approach means we examine ways people perceive space and how they navigate through complex environments, in addition asking many questions to arrive at the correct solution.

Strategic wayfinding solutions for your University

We can provide you with an in depth analysis of how you perceive and therefore navigate a building or area. Consequently this will allow you to understand the complexity of spatial awareness and the need for strategies to aid human navigation