Wayfinder Ltd, The Right Direction

Wayfinding - Our Approach

Wayfinding seeks to understand and analyse the needs of all user groups within society to enhance their experience as they are guided through a physical space.

As such, Wayfinding has three main objectives an efficient strategy hopes to achieve:

  • To facilitate the most efficient movement of people around places and spaces
  • Making sure people do not miss out on valuable experiences
  • To make sure that people leave a place with a positive memory of their visit.

The least signs are the best solution

Our approach to wayfinding means working with the environment we are in to offer you the right information, in the right place, at the right time. That means not bombarding the user with needless amounts of signs or information points.

We seek to reduce the noise, not add to it.

By understanding the complexities of human behaviour, we produce effective wayfinding solutions which will reduce visual noise, lower your hardware costs, and make navigating your spaces an altogether more enjoyable experience.

Wayfinding Technology

Wayfinding technology is at the cutting edge of the industry. We are now leading this in the UK with our new website site www.wayfinderapp.co.uk. Please click the link or give us a call if you'd like to hear a bit more about wayfinding navigation technology. 

We will always strive to find the most efficient solution to your wayfinding problems.

Our Wayfinding Approach

We’d love to discuss our wayfinding approach with you in more detail. We won’t go into the technical aspects here as to protect our intellectual property this information is kept to client briefings. However, as this information is vital to your understanding of our services and its benefits, we’re more than happy to discuss this further over the phone, or face to face.

Give us a call on 01204 362450 for a free, no obligation chat with one of our senior consultants.

Cognitive Brain - Wayfinding by Wayfinder